I haven’t thought about her in a very long time, but lately
I’ve noticed something and I wonder when it became a thing. I’m sure I’ve heard
it on TV more than three times and that’s enough for it to be
a thing. Notice how carefully I’m avoiding the word “meme?” The word meme is
the thing of the decade and now that I’ve said it I can’t unsay it, so let’s
move on.
Here the thing: The set-up is two characters on a sitcom. One
of them asks “What are you doing tomorrow?” and the other answers “I’m getting
my elbows bronzed,” to which the first character says, “that’s not a thing.”
Variations on it include the skeptical: “Is that even a thing?” and the
defensive: “Yeah, that’s a thing.”
Now, because I'm highly distractable and don't have a real point to make about any of the above ramblings, I'll bring this to an abrupt and sad close. Here's the thing and this is a real thing: As I began to write this I remembered Pam's last name and did a quick search for her. This is what turned up:
From a local newspaper on the eastern seaboard
Pamela S______ C_______
[NAME OF PLACE] — Pamela S______ C_______, [her age], wife of D____ C_______, died [date omitted] Her obituary follows.
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